- a sunrise in the desert
- a sunrise over snow
- a sunrise in the mountains
- a sunrise
- down comforters
- embarrassing moments that become funny stories
- watching a movie
- changing routes all of a sudden
- clean sheets
- coming into an attic that is warm
- rearranging furniture
- sending letters
- getting letters
- making lists
- running faster
feeling better after feeling sick
peanut soup (Lachelle's version)
praying with an old friend
taking the bus
those moments right before falling asleep
freshly-brushed teeth
just-shaven legs
new jewelry
used bookstores
friend requests on Facebook
fields of daffodils
S.I.S. sisterhood
sauteing garlic and onions
ice cream
- comments on papers (in red pen)
- Jane Austen
- Robert Frost
- Langston Hughes
- Valentine's Day
- Ogden Nash
- sleeping until 8:30am
- coffee
- canoli
- Campus Deli honey mustard
- fresh green mango with hot sauce and salt
- popcorn
- baking
- striking up a conversation
- making a joke only you get
making a joke everyone gets
hearing a joke
any joke
bathroom breaks
tea breaks
just calling to say "hi"
spring break
winter break
summer break
school time
road trips in the summer time
a hare-brained idea that becomes reality
a surprise Valentine
old, comfy jeans
- new shoes
- old, comfy shoes
- new jeans
- having a crush
- flirting
- praying in quiet
- praying in loud
- when someone remembers your birthday
- orange and pink
- tassles
- sweaters
- Chapstick
- honeysuckle perfume
- women's suffrage
- exact change
putting on makeup
Google desktop with the notes and the world clock
finishing a classic
understanding what Plato is talking about
driving to see my brother and dad
stopping at Sheetz
horses and buggies
foreign accents
local accents
saying "ya'll" on purpose
killing a bug with your notebook in the middle of class to everyone's surprise
being read to aloud
reading aloud
memorizing poetry