Saturday, March 2, 2013

Why My Job is Weirder and Better Than Yours

I present two examples.

The first, on Wednesday evening, while I was "off duty," I spent over an hour at Goodwill in search of a leopard print blouse and stiletto heels to create a costume for our activity on Friday evening. Later that night, 11:30 pm found me in the downstairs girls' hallway, opening a series of large boxes, and itemizing each object on a long sheet in order to ship the whole lot to China the next day. There was no avoiding these tasks, thereby qualifying them as indispensable parts of the job.

The second: my residence hall mailbox currently holds the following items: a water bottle, a dirty spoon (which is not my own), an opened paper clip with which I attempt to pick the lock on the filing cabinet when I have locked my keys in my apartment, a shipping label for the box situation above, a handmade dice that I roll when I feel stressed, red lipstick, and a toaster.


  1. i'll give you weirder ;) but i'll take the challenge on better! last weekend i had to work a retreat for the children of salvation army officers...i got paid to play sardines, volleyball, worship, go out to ponderosa and bowling, play just dance and buzzword, and get to know and spend time with a lot of awesome kids. and just two nights ago i was setting up a giant obstacle course and using a hot knife and spray paint!
    props to us for having awesome jobs.

  2. Tut, I'm so glad you took this as a challenge! That was my hope, in part: for people to think about maybe getting cooler jobs if they couldn't compete. If you can compete at all, you're probably doing something right. I love you!
