Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Reasons Why I'm Going

To learn to teach.

To live near the desert

To live near the ocean.

To escape the crush of scheduling, for which I take full responsibility.

To ask God how to stop being so angry.

To produce nothing, be known for nothing, be right about nothing, defend nothing.

To confront my loneliness, and befriend it.

To be out of the country during the 2016 presidential election.

To know Muslims.

... and there are many more reasons, some I haven't even allowed myself to think of. It seems to me that no one lives without an agenda. I just want to have a good one.


  1. I've always admired how courageous you are. I think this is going to be a great experience for you. We're definitely going to come visit. I love you.

  2. where are you going? Sorry, I've been out of the blog world for a bit
