Saturday, July 3, 2010

I say "Weekend" you say "WooHOO!"

Middle schoolers came this past week. I had a cabin who didn't enjoy discussing deeper subjects. It was so difficult to draw them out, that I almost cried after our evening cabin time on Tuesday night! By campout night on Wednesday, I made a few discoveries: they just weren't the kind of people to talk about their hearts in a big group. They just weren't. And I couldn't make them fit a mold of my expectations.

So we went star-spinning in the ballfield Wednesday night. We laughed til we were tired, then walked through the darkness back to our campsite. Some of the girls were so scared! I loved it.

During our one-on-one times, away from the group and their stilted dynamics, I felt that I really began to know them; and they are such precious girls. I wish even now that they could return next week. This is notable, because for all other weeks, I felt no such inclination of actual friendship developing. Our relationships til last week were something like maternal leadership.

On Thursday, during my first game of Drop Zone, I rolled my ankle. It's still swollen and angry, but I think it'll be ready for running by mid-next week. That is, after the mini-week campers (second- and third-graders) leave, of course. Oh, how I love the weekend!

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