Thursday, June 9, 2011

Special Week

As we near the end of special week, each cabin writes about one of the events we did together.

What I wrote:

Wilderness time for the ladies of Cardinal B was a hoot! Dee Dee listened next to her friend Nora as the wilderness directors explained the function of rabbit fur. Jessica took pictures of the animals, exclaiming about the many facts she knew about each animal. She snapped a few shots as best friends Willianne and Faye cuddled the rabbit, Amelia. Bobby didn’t seem to mind the fur sticking to her shirt at all! Later, each lady touched the gecko and the bearded dragon! Amanda bravely petted Timmy the turtle, who had risen from the depths of his little pond. Sandy petted Amelia. She whispered to the rabbit as Ameila settled into her gentle grasp.

What actually happened:

Dee Dee stared silently. She sat next to Nora. Jessica took pictures and commented on the furriness of rabbits. Willee and Faye cuddled the rabbitt... til the rabbit "scratched" Willee. (It was actually a scar that had been on her arm for a long, long time). Bobby touched the rabbit. Amanda petted Timmy. Sandy ran out of the class after petting the rabbit, going for the glass door. She missed the door and went for the glass wall, thereby bruising and cutting her left leg slightly. The rest of the afternoon I spent in one-on-one time with Sandy, telling the nurses about her leg, which warranted a single band-aid.


  1. the 2nd version is so much more interesting and truely a hoot. Welcome to my world, love Mom

  2. oh special week! It sure is special!
    I'm excited that we are now blogger bretheren!
