Sunday, July 22, 2012

In Which My Phone Teaches Me Humility

Vacation. This time at a theme park, and we had settled in the Best Western across the way. We had spent all of Wednesday at the park, and, weary from roller coasters and sun, had all found our way to napping after dinner. When I awoke at 7pm I sent Dan a text telling he and Mom that I was heading over to the park again to ride some roller coasters. I think it failed to send or something, but Dan, Chelsea and I met outside the rooms anyway, and Dan and I had a super fun time riding rides while Chelsea made friends with people who were waiting for people in line.

When we all got back to the hotel, Chelsea and I both ended up texting Mom to let her know that we were sitting by the pool watching fireworks. Again, I think my text failed to send. So I deleted all my texts, and Mom told Chelsea that she was already mostly asleep and we'd all meet up in the morning.

Early in the morning, 7:40am, I was awakened by a text from Mom, saying "Coffeeeee." To which I responded, "huh?" To which she responded "french toast." To which I responded, "Mom, it's too early for cryptic messages.What are you getting at?"

Suddenly, I received a text from Dan, informing me that "The park opens at 10am." To which I responded, "...OK..."

Then Mom replied to my rude message, "Well, I am going to get breakfast before anything else, and I'm inviting you to come along." I was terribly annoyed.

I woke up Michelle and Chelsea and we all readied ourselves and trudged to breakfast; I confessed to Mom and Dan how it was a little earlier than I had been planning to wake up. But that I was grateful for breakfast.

Mom and Dan looked puzzled: "You texted US."

You see what happened there? My phone decided to wake everyone up with the texts at 7:40am. The most amazing thing is: neither Dan nor Mom told me to take my over-eager self back to bed. Instead, Dan graciously responded with the opening time of the park. And Mom graciously responded with an offer to eat breakfast first.

Plank in my eye.

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