Monday, July 15, 2013

Off Day

Snatched this gem from my old xanga ( It's appropriate for today. And the past week.

Off-Day: Is there some French word for that?

 It's easy to believe that off-days never really happen when you're not having one. But today has taken that notion's family hostage and made it beg for mercy. (I started with "But today has blown that notion out of the water," but it felt too cliched. We have cliches for a reason, though. Tested and proven.) I showed up late to my last final of the semester. I mean a half hour late kind of late. Then I couldn't understand the directions. After asking if I was on the right track (I kid you not) three times, I finished and left the classroom with 40 minutes to spare. Wow. Easier than I thought. Then I got to the restroom where some girls who had just finished the test were saying that it was harder than they expected. I ascertained the instructions from them. Then I swallowed whatever shreds were left of my pride and whispered the situation to my professor. "Carolyn, is this an off-day for you?" she remarked. I think she thought that I was going through something especially difficult: heroine withdrawal, a break-up, a death in the family. Praise God, no! I just can't seem to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS EVER.
So then I finished and it may have been "B" material at best.
Also, why can't we find any stars for the top of the tree? Or, more to the point, where can we find a star for the top of the tree?
haha, "to the point"
 Posted 12/11/2008 10:54 PM

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