Sunday, August 21, 2016

Time Isn't Money

You can't pay time back.
It's over.
But you can give it as a gift.

No one can take it from you.
Not really.
You have all of it,
whether you want it or not.
To try to forget
is sorrow untold.

Maybe time is a river.
Flowing forward,
moving molecule-lives along.

Maybe time is a suitcase.
Try to fit everything in.
Then you check the bag,
the airline loses it,
and you forget what you packed.


  1. I love it!
    Some famous scientist guy didn't believe in time at all. Like everything is accessible always. Can't quite grasp this.

    1. 1. I had a friend who, as he read the Bible, would pray for the people in it because, "God is outside of time."
      2. I recently heard something about special relativity, just in passing, on the Liturgists podcast, and it was moving: somewhere in the time-space continuum, Jesus is still walking and talking and healing people for the first time.
